Die dag het aangebreek vir die Gr. 7-leerders van Laerskool Eversdal om hul ware entrepreneurseienskappe uit te straal. Alle jong entrepreneurs het hul moed en produkte bymekaar geskraap. Vandag sal hulle huistoe stap met ‘n sak vol geld en n glimlag op hul gesig. Op 6 September 2018, was dit amptelik Entrepreneursdag!

All the learners got excited, twitching with nervous energy. They just could not wait to sell their colorful products and fill their pockets with crisp money. But first they had to plan what they are going to sell, how much it would cost, and with who they will sell. So the learners divided themselves into groups, put their thinking hats on, and started to conjure up the most brilliant and fantastic ideas. Popcorn, donuts, slime, cotton candy, pizza and so much more! The ideas just kept coming!

Die leerders het saam hul sakeplanne opgestel. Daarna is kleurvolle plakkate gemaak. Twee dae voor Entrepreneursdag was die skool met pragtige, kleurvolle plakkate versier. Die Gr. 1 tot 6-leerders wat gefassineerd oor die leerders se plakkate, wat hul kreatiwiteit uitgebeeld het.

On Thursday, the air itself was buzzing with electricity. Sweet, mouth-watering odors wafted from the Skuur. The Gr. 7-learners had packed their products out on their tables, exposing them to the customers. The rest of the customers piled up at the doors, wishing that it would open any moment. And then the speakers blared, and the doors were thrown open. The giant mob of learners fought their way in, to the stalls.

Entrepreneursdag het begin!

Die Skuur was propvol mense. Die leerders het van stalletjie tot stalletjie beweeg, en hul kosblikke en sakke volgelaai met lekkers, speelgoed en ander produkte. Die entrepreneurs het desperaat probeer om die leerders se aandag te trek, en om hulle te oorreed om hul produkte te koop. Die lawaai was oorweldigend, en orals het die helder kleure van die plakkate en produkte voor die leerders se oë geflits. Die leerders het hul gate uit geniet!

The day was slowly coming to an end. The young entrepreneurs started packing up any leftover products, and started counting their money. The teachers was clearing the Skuur of any customers, and started cleaning up. Again the speakers blared. The day has finally come to an end!

En so het die jong generasie entrepreneurs stadig huis toe gestap, met n sak vol geld, en n glimlag op hul gesig.